Webinar: The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra - Inside the Flagship Device


三星Galaxy S23 Ultra-旗舰设备内部



Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Webinar

旗舰设备发行是智能手机市场上备受期待的事件。三星宣布在2月初发布Galaxy S23旗舰系列,智能手机爱好者在分析智能手机用户所关心的一切方面涵盖了重要的基础。

但这只是刮擦表面。我们知道您需要并需要更多的深入分析。在TechInsights,专家一直在忙于分析三星Galaxy S23 Ultra内部的内容,以超越表面级别的发现,并发现设备内部的组件,技术和创新。

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在这个独一无二的网络研讨会,我们的费用rts will deliver an in-depth analysis of the components within this device, highlight what changed from previous versions, and forecast how this might impact other smartphone and parts manufacturers. Our market analysts will also share their forecasts and industry insights for Samsung and other industry leaders within the ever-competitive smartphone marketplace.

Session 1: April 05, 2023
(1pm ET)

Session 2: April 06, 2023
(10 am JST/KST, 9am CST)

You do not want to miss this exclusive keynote event covering:

An in-depth look inside the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with our Consumer Electronics Subject Matter Expert, Stacy Wegner.

见解into the camera and imaging system of the device with our Image Sensor Subject Matter Expert, John Scott Thomas, PhD.

A discussion on whether the new Galaxy S23 Ultra can reverse the recent downtrends for Samsung with our Market Analysts, Gina Luk and Neil Mawston.

回顾我们的预测分析师Taylor St. Germain如何影响关键的半导体垂直行业和Galaxy S23供应商。


加入TechInsights的专家和分析师,讨论三星的旗舰设备端到端。了解三星Galaxy S23中的哪些功能是消费者和企业用户的差异制造商。


Stacy Wegner

Stacy Wegner


Stacy Wegner是TechInsights拆卸部门的高级技术分析师,负责确保我们的分析师生产的高度技术数据已转变为消耗品竞争情报。Stacy在高级技术设备,市场分析以及Techinsights的产品和实践方面具有广泛的背景。

John Scott-Thomas

约翰·斯科特·托马斯(John Scott-Thomas),博士

Image Sensor Subject Matter Expert

John Scott-Thomas是TechInsights的图像传感器主题专家。他在半导体领域工作了30多年。他完成了在麻省理工学院学习的设备物理学研究的研究生工作,研究了超小(当时)晶体管中的量子效应。他曾在CMOS Image传感器启动工作六年担任模拟设计师和设计团队经理。John从事模拟电子产品,专门从事CMOS成像仪和显示器。他的工作既是知识产权和当前产品的技术分析。他撰写了几篇技术论文,并且是众多CMOS Imager专利的发明者。

吉娜·卢克(Gina Luk)

吉娜·卢克(Gina Luk)


吉娜·卢克(Gina Luk)is the Director for Enterprise Research. Gina leads the Mobile Workforce and IoT Strategies and advises all aspects of the enterprise mobile and wireless ecosystem, from 5G and IoT, to SaaS, mobile security, B2B mobile devices, and Enterprise & SMB value-added solutions. Gina has led and managed Telecom consulting projects across multiple geographies. Regularly quoted in blogs and international press, she is a thought leader in the Enterprise wireless technology domain and has been a judge for GSMA GLOMO Enterprise Awards for the past 6 years.



Executive Director, Global Wireless Practice

尼尔·莫斯顿is Executive Director, Global Wireless Practice. Neil delivers world-class analysis, unique insight, and decisive recommendations to the mobile industry worldwide. He is a recognized authority on future smartphone and wearable trends. He has led authoritative projects into 6G devices, technology tracking, market share forecasting, financial metrics, and user segmentation. Neil is regularly quoted in global press and social media, including the WSJ, FT, BBC, CNBC, SCMP, and many others. Inducted into the Power 50 Mobile Industry Awards in 2008, Neil is an accredited judge for the prestigious MWC GLOMO Global Mobile Awards and the innovative App Developer Awards.

Taylor St. Germain

Taylor St. Germain

Forecasting Analyst

Taylor St. Germain is a Forecasting Analyst at TechInsights. Prior to TechInsights, Taylor was an economic analyst and business consultant. Taylor worked with Fortune 500 companies, trade associations, and small business to provide economic intelligence to drive strategic and profitable business decisions. Throughout this time, Taylor was also a keynote speaker that traveled the US delivering custom presentations to organizations to help them better navigate the economic cycle now and in the future.

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