
Video Series

The Power of the Chip

We are taking a deeper dive into topical developments with semiconductor chips and what it means for all of us from a business and consumer level.

This short-form video series will cover market events (economic and technological) and include insightful commentary from our TechInsight’s experts (and surprise guests) on how powerful this tiny object is.


Taylor St. Germain

Semiconductor Industry Poised for Contraction in 2023

The semiconductor industry has experienced several consecutive years of growth, but the latest data suggests that 2023 will be a challenging year. In this video, Taylor St. Germain, TechInsights’ Forecasting Analyst, will discuss how the industry data has evolved in 2022 and share the semiconductor outlook for 2023.

Jason Abt

How China’s YMTC leap-frogged the competition

YMTC的Xtacking 3.0将一家于2016年成立的中国公司成为全球3D NAND FLASH市场的领导。尽管我们等待三星,SK Hynix,Microtech和其他行业领导者的200多层解决方案,但TechInsights目前正在分析这一部分。在芯片视频的新功能中,CTO Jason ABT讨论了该产品的地缘政治和技术意义。

Taylor St. Germain

The State of the Semiconductor Supply Chain

The last two years have been the most disruptive in history when it comes to the semiconductor supply chain. Whether it was the global pandemic, geopolitical tensions or digital transformation, the semiconductor supply chain has been tested. In this video, Taylor St. Germain, TechInsights’ Forecasting Analyst, will discuss how this will all impact companies operating within the semiconductor ecosystem and why it matters.

Prior to TechInsights, Taylor worked with Fortune 500 companies, trade associations, and small businesses providing economic intelligence to drive strategic and profitable business decisions. He has also been a keynote speaker to help organizations better navigate the economic cycle now and in the future.

Jason Abt

The Significance of SMIC’s 7nm Technology

尽管由于目前的制裁,尽管无法使用最先进的设备技术,但SMIC最近在技术方面取得了很大的进步 - 从14nm到7nm,加入了英特尔,TSMC和三星的行列。在此视频中,TechInsights CTO的Jason ABT将讨论SMIC的进步,美国制裁的有效性以及对中国芯片公司的影响。


Hybrid Bonding Technology

Hybrid Bonding Technology - Today and Tomorrow

2022Year in Review and 2023 Predictions

2022Year in Review and 2023 Predictions

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